Early Summer: The element of space
21st MAY – 22nd JUNE
Early Summer begins around the 21st May where Spring has finished its growth time but the full Summer has not quite yet started. It is the secondary part of the fire element which comes before Summer as a warm up. Energetically less extreme and is considered to be more preparation for the full potential of Summer.
Early Summer is the element of space connecting with and living with the atmosphere bringing all the elements together.
The warm up of the body will affect our connective tissue/facia, the component that binds us together and where you feel the result of movement or stretch in the body. Comparing this to Grand Prix racing in the essential pre-race laps, where connecting rubber to the road warms up the tyres for optimum performance and the driver for optimum focus.
The feeling of Early Summer is a time for inner and outer abundance so we share love unconditionally, give and receive warmth, yet know when and with whom to be open or when we need to be more protective.
Connection is the key word in Early Summer, connecting with ourselves, with others and with nature.
The organs associated with Early Summer are the Pericardium, the sac that protects the heart and the Triple Heater which is a system within the body within which are energy flows.
Be good to yourself
8 key priorites for Early Summer
Cultivate positive emotional state especially before sleep – it is said that our bodies take the shape of our thoughts and feelings and too much negative emotional stimulation can have an impact on our ability to rest and creates tension in our fascia.
Communicate your needs – ideas and feelings so others can understand how you feel.
Balance your exercise regimes – body and diet, energy levels with rest and downtime, emotions by being positive, mind by observing the quality of your thoughts
Practise increasing flexibility – opening the web of fascia and connective tissue and nourishing the lymphatic, metabolic and nervous systems.
Support your immune system – Do not attack yourself or put yourself down as this directly effects our immune cells and will have a deep impact on your relationship with others
Work on your non-verbal cues – in the first 7 seconds of non-verbal cues how others see and respond to you will be determined.
Convey the right messages – Facial expression can take attention away from what we are saying as 15% of what we hear we remember however 85% of what we see is what we take away with us.
Make speaking positive affirmations – you will be amazed at how good your body will feel when you stop thinking negative thoughts to yourself and to others all day long.
8 daily habits for Early Summer
Live at the calm and still bottom of your ocean
Work on calmness, integration and empathy
Practise asking yourself how you feel about a situation not just what you think
Practise reading people’s faces and body language
Work on opening and closing postures
Recognise over protection and under protection of yourself
Any exercise that brings you joy
Manage your energy wisely – not too much exersion and not too little
Eat more
Salad with green leaves
and bitter flavoursRadishes
Green juice
Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
Almond Milk
Ginger tea
Apple Cyder vinegar
Cantaloupe melon